Calvary Chapel
of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church (Rev. 3:7-13)
"The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it."
John 1:5
Badge Of Honor 0:01:46
Weak Spiritual Condition 0:01:46
Salt Of The Earth 0:02:29
Our Advocate 0:04:17
Walk in the Light 0:01:30
What Is Love 0:02:08
5 Minute Messages Here...
The Prepared L.I.F.E.
Jesus in you living through you!
Christ in you the hope of glory! (Col. 1:27)
Prepared for Christ's Soon Return!
Therefore we watch and pray
I ntelligent about Jesus Christ
F aithful to Jesus Christ and His teachings.
E mpowered by the Holy Spirit to Make Disciples.
Live Service Times
Sunday 10:00 AM
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Webcast Times
Sunday 10:00 AM
Wednesday 6:30 PM
We begin with a time of worship in music followed by a teaching from the Bible.
Children’s ministry is available on Sunday mornings.
Live Video Webcast:
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